What is Gateway Development?

Gateway Development President, Stephanie J. Allen, talks about the vision and purpose behind the company.

Gateway Development Mission

To empower individual potential to realize dreams and to fulfill one’s unique life mission in body, mind & spirit.

About Stephanie Allen

Founder of Gateway Development

Meet Stephanie Allen of Amherst, Nova Scotia. Stephanie has a variety of different expertise: massage therapy, acupuncture, yoga, and consulting, which ultimately helps her clients break through barriers to live healthier lives and build stronger connections.

After graduation she took a job as an employee and was sadly disappointed feeling undervalued and overworked. Stephanie felt lost with no purpose or vision of what to do. She left Nova Scotia and headed west eventually starting a business in Alberta and then moving to the United States to pursue her passion; however, her heart was at home on the East Coast. “Being told you can’t live your dreams here and you have to go out west is rubbish. There are amazing things happening here.” After 10 years of being out west and down south, she returned to Amherst and set up Gateway Development.

Stephanie believes future entrepreneurs need to believe in themselves and surround themselves with individuals who have already overcome limitations and adversity. “I believe entrepreneurs set the stage, they determine what happens in your community and create trends that others will follow. If you do what you love, you influence the market and become a trend setter” explains Stephanie. She knows that being accountable for both her successes and failures is a key to customer satisfaction and essential for their breaking through plateaus into new growth. “You might be on the right road but if you just ‘sit’ there, you’re going to get run over. You have to move and be willing to get outside your comfort zone.”

Serving the people, seeing her clients grow and staff succeed are what Stephanie enjoys the most. “When you serve and watch people become better, that is joy – fun is temporary, joy gives you meaning. You feel like you never work a day in your life and money is a byproduct of doing something you love.” Stephanie considers doing something you love and doing it with all your heart is the best reward you can give your loved ones and your community.

Stephanie admits it takes persistence and a willingness to ask and receive help to be successful. Asking for support should not be confused with weakness. “It takes love and courage to ask for help. Sometimes our bodies scream with pain, aching for attention. Pain can be the motivator that its time to ask for help. Pain can also be our teacher coming to ‘wake us up’ to tell us to change direction or to try something new or think differently. We all have a purpose for being here in this world, most people never find their purpose. What if pain was a doorway to discover who you are and why you are here…. wouldn’t you want to seek the answer if it will guarantee your success? ”. She goes on to add, “There comes a point when what you stand for and what you love is more important than the comfort of where you’ve been. thats often when either passion or pain enter our lives to move us.”

Stephanie insists that our body is our greatest resource filled with the wisdom to help us ask for what we need and to uncover our hidden gifts and potentials. All we have to do is learn to listen to what our body and our life is calling for us to become. Gateway provides individuals with the empowerment and skill to grow and make your reason for being here realized. Happiness is a side effect of personal growth and if we are not growing, we aren’t glowing. Stephanie knows for herself, “If I’m not growing, I can’t help my clients grow. If my business isn’t growing, I’m not reaching my potential. Ask for help to listen to your body and soul. Its the first step, but don’t stop stepping, keep moving, keep growing, the world needs our gifts!”